This following represents the agreement between Michael Carey and Mercedes White after 10 years of marriage:
Our assets will all be owned in common in a manner visible to each of us. We will maintain three types of accounts:
- accounts controlled by Michael,
- accounts controlled by Mercedes, and
- accounts that require mutual agreement before any withdrawals (family savings).
Michael has a responsibility to provide at least $10,000 per month (pre-tax) for the family. Mercedes has a responsibility to provide enough income to to cover the family’s child care needs.
Michael’s income will be put into family savings on a regular basis. Mercedes will retain her income in her personal account. A predetermined amount will be transferred from family savings to each person’s personal account on a monthly basis. The amount transferred to personal accounts will be sufficient to cover each person’s budget responsibilities plus at least $500 in discretionary spending.
We will not make any major financial decisions without mutual consent and 3 months discussion (except in emergency circumstances).
Michael will provide a report of our family financial status at the beginning of each month.
We will have sex with each other and no one else.
We want to have multiple children. We will strive to guide each child in the development and expression of their individual identity. We will also strive to provide each child with a strong family identity as a foundation for their individuality.
We embrace our Mormon heritage, and agree to attend church regularly together.
Michael is primarily responsible for home improvement, home maintenance, and vehicle maintenance.
Mercedes is primarily responsible for home cleaning.
Child care tasks will be divided based on mutual agreement according to current circumstances and the needs of the child.
Requests to perform specific tasks may be made via email. Upon receiving a written request, the receiving person will either complete the task or make a written response by the end of the week.
We have a right to get mad at each other, and to express our anger. However, if one person expresses anger, the other person has a right to delay the argument for up to 15 minutes (or more, if circumstances prevent immediate resolution).
At any time during an argument, each of us has the right to ask the other person to restate the requesting person’s position. If the other person cannot do so convincingly, the requesting person should restate their position. This process may be repeated until the other party can satisfy the request.
Emotional Support
We agree that each individual’s emotional health and the health of our relationship are more important than material luxuries.
We strive to understand and satisfy each other’s emotional needs. Michael will seek to make Mercedes feel financially and emotionally secure, and Mercedes will support Michael in developing and pursuing new ideas. Each of us will strive to engage with, and challenge, the other person’s ideas in a constructive manner.
We will work together on common projects that allow us to develop and express our individual identities.